
The massive "I just got in to anime" recommendation list

REDDIT ANIME WIKI REDDIT ANIME WIKI The massive "I just got in to anime" recommendation list This is a general list of "must-watch" anime oriented for those who are new to the medium. Each title that is added to this list should have at least a small description on its own page. The following shows are popular and critically acclaimed, though some may not align with your own personal taste. Also check out  EcchiMaster's Recommendations (nsfw)(if you're into that kind of thing). For other general recommendation charts check the  /a/ wiki  . In fact this wiki is loosely based on  this chart  . Editor's Note:  Please keep each genre limited to 12 recommendations each. Any more than that has a tendency to be overwhelming to people new to anime.

Controversial Reddit communities

The  social news  site  Reddit  has occasionally been the topic of controversy due to the presence of communities on the site (known as "subreddits") devoted to explicit or controversial material. In 2012,  Yishan Wong , the site's then-CEO, stated, "We stand for free speech. This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it." [1] The subreddit r/jailbait, devoted to suggestive or revealing photos of underage girls, was one of the most prominent subreddits on the site before it was closed down in October 2011 following a report by  CNN . [2]  The controversy surrounding r/Creepshots, devoted to revealing or suggestive photos of women taken without their awareness or consent, occurred a year after r/jailbait's closure. The r/Creepshots controversy prompted a  Gawker  exposé of one of the subreddit's moderators by  Adrian Chen , which revealed the real-life i

Reddit anime rules

Everything posted here must be anime specific. Flair your posts Do not post untagged spoilers. No memes, image macros, reaction images, "fixed" posts, or rage comics. Do not link to/lead people towards torrents, proxies, or unofficial streams/downloads. List of legal streams and downloads. Get a 48-hour CrunchyRoll guest pass here. In order to link to your own website/channel/blog, you maintain a ratio of 9 non-promotional post for each one that does serve promotional purposes. This means 10% of your posts/comments can serve as self promotion. This applies to [OC] fanart,  read here. Do not use link shortening services. Do not sell things, use affiliate links, spread referral scams, or link to crowdfunding. Links to sales or products that you do not profit from are OK. It is not OK to try to sell your own stuff here. Do not post Hentai here. Lightly NSFW things are okay. Read the rules for examples. Post Meta concerns in the monthly meta threads. Do not

Recommendation Tuesdays Megathread - Week of October 01, 2019

Recommendation Tuesdays Megathread - Week of October 01, 2019 Need a recommendation or have one to share? This is your thread! This thread is active all week, so you can post in it when it's not Tuesday and still get an answer! :) If you have a recommendation to share that's well written and longer than 1.5k characters, consider instead posting a [WT!] (Watch This!) thread. If you'd like to look through the previous WT! threads to find recommendations or check if there is already one for your favourite show,  click here. Not sure how to ask for a recommendation?  Fill this out, or simply use it as a guideline, and other users will find it much easier to recommend you an anime! I'm looking for:  A certain genre? Something specific like characters travelling to another world? etc Shows I've already seen that are similar: Link to my MAL (or other anime list):  Leave blank if you don't have one